Sometimes we get stuck seeing things our way. Would you like to see some things through another set of eyes? Maybe it will make you think and stretch or maybe just chuckle or shed a tear. Here is my world through my eyes...
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Have/have not

Opportunities that you do have
Opportunities that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you.

Trials that you do have
Trials that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Money that you do have
Money that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Talents that you do have
Talents that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Beauty that you do have
And beauty that you don’t

Abilities that you do have
And abilities that you don’t

Limits that you do have
And limits that you don’t

Experience that you do have
And wisdom that you don't

Strengths that you do have
Weaknesses that you don’t

Friends that you do have
Family that you don’t

Roots that you do have
Posterity that you don’t

Racism that you do have
Acceptance that you don’t

Failure that you do have
Success that you don’t

Questions that you do have
Answers that you don’t

Sins that you do have
Joy that you don’t

So we see
God really loves you
He is in the
Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
Lifetime and generational details
Of your life

Even if you don’t feel it
Don’t know it
Don’t see it
Don’t want it
Even if you don’t believe it 
Don’t care

He is there
Always acting for your benefit

And He cares
About you
All of you
Yes you


copyright 2019 by Dallas Lauchner

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Guest Blog: The tip of the iceberg

I remember learning that only about 10% of an iceberg is visible above the water.  Most of an iceberg is hidden beneath the water, and the shape of the underwater portion can be hard to estimate simply by looking at the visible portion.  So there's a lot more to the iceberg than what is readily seen.

I'm a middle school guidance counselor, and one of the hats I wear at work is school testing coordinator.  For the past couple of years, this has meant that I'm responsible for all the preparations, training, scheduling, and administering of our state tests, which are given near the end of the school year.  We test every student in grades six through eight in reading, math and history, and 8th graders are also tested in science and writing.  In my school that means approximately 2500 tests are administered every year, with 2300 of those administered within a three-week period. 

This past school year, we administered our state tests online for the first time.  That meant hours and hours of additional advance preparation for me.  Our school has enough computers to test about 200 students at a time, so I had to come up with a testing schedule which would run all the students through all the tests they needed to take during that three-week testing window.  I had to assign students to testing groups (first on paper, and then in online test sessions), ensure that special ed students' accommodations were provided, train teachers, and run simulations.  I had to provide practice sessions for every teacher and every student, in order to familiarize them with online testing tools and help both groups increase their level of comfort with the online testing format. I came early to work every test day to ensure that computers were both turned on and logged on, and had to start and monitor each online testing group from my desktop computer.

Although the tests are untimed, a typical student spends roughly two hours working on a test.  For that student, and for the teacher who proctors the test, it is all over relatively quickly.  But that two-hour test represents hours and hours of preparation on my part. 

I'm not looking for acknowledgement of my effort.  I could just as easily be focusing on all the work a teacher does to prepare a student to take such a test.  But reflecting on this rather ordinary part of my job has given me pause.  This is what I've been thinking about: What do I take for granted that has taken someone else hours and hours of preparation so that I might enjoy/participate/consume/view/wear/listen/read.....?

I'm hoping that while I'm up here enjoying the tip of any particular iceberg, that I'll be more aware of what others have done "below the water line" to make it happen, and that I'll look harder for ways to express my gratitude and appreciation.  And I invite you to join me.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Music #11 Aselin Debison: Love So Rare

With my second daughter getting married this week, my thoughts turned to a great song by Aselin Debison who is a Canadian singer.  She was young when she started her singing career and to be honest I haven't seen much available from her recently, but this song is a stunner for Dad's who have daughters.  This particular video of it is touching in and of itself as she is singing to her own Dad. 
Aselin started singing when quite young so in the pictures you will notice a distinct difference in her age.  She is currently attending a University in Canada and is engaged to be married soon.  I note that her birthday is coming up later this month. 

Aselin Debison: Love So Rare

Surely every Dad would like to believe he has had a positive influence on his daughters.  As my own daughter prepares to be married I hope that she will be able to develop her relationship with her husband but that we will be able to maintain a good and fruitful relationship with me, her Dad.  This is for you--all four of my girls.

Like a tiny seed firmly in the soil
Nurtured with a love I think so rare
Given room to breathe, given time to see
It’s now so clear to me
You were there, you were there

When I was just a flower afraid out in the forest
Hiding from the shadows all alone
I knew you’d be along, my faith in you was strong
Like our favourite song
To lead me home, you led me home

And with each changing season
I grow a little stronger
Rising up to touch the open sky
And if I gave you a reason
not to hold me any longer
You gave me a thousand reasons why

You are my steady oak standing tall and strong
Protecting me with everything you have
And I know deep inside
I would not have survived
Without you by my side
Oh and I .... I love you dad

(Bruce Guthro) © 2002 Wall Street Publishing Ltd. (SOCAN)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Waking up

This morning as we do most mornings we knelt together as a family to start our day with a prayer.  We had a good friend visiting this morning so he joined us and we ask him to be voice for our family.  He said a phrase that I have heard him use before in prayer, but today it struck me different.  He said, "Thank Thee for waking us up this morning".  In the past I would inwardly smile at that and didn't give it much credence.  Today however it struck me a little different.  I thought of Dad and how he hasn't woken up for 2 weeks as he lies in a coma. 

Maybe I should be more appreciative of waking up in the morning and recognizing that as a blessing and a privilege and not take it for granted.  It is sobering to contemplate not waking up.  Usually I would think of death but what of being unresponsive for a period of time? 

Maybe I am the recipient of more blessings than I had realized.  I am indeed thankful for waking up even if that might entail some aches and pains, or doing some of the same things over and over, or might have some responsibilities that I don't like, or possibly be earlier than I would like.  Maybe in overcoming my ingratitude I can open my eyes to other blessings that I had formerly taken for granted and show and express more appreciation and gratitude to God as well as others around me.  Thanks DeJuan and Dad for that lesson.  Maybe I'm waking up to see what has always been there before me. 
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