Sometimes we get stuck seeing things our way. Would you like to see some things through another set of eyes? Maybe it will make you think and stretch or maybe just chuckle or shed a tear. Here is my world through my eyes...
Showing posts with label comfort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comfort. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Have/have not

Opportunities that you do have
Opportunities that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you.

Trials that you do have
Trials that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Money that you do have
Money that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Talents that you do have
Talents that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Beauty that you do have
And beauty that you don’t

Abilities that you do have
And abilities that you don’t

Limits that you do have
And limits that you don’t

Experience that you do have
And wisdom that you don't

Strengths that you do have
Weaknesses that you don’t

Friends that you do have
Family that you don’t

Roots that you do have
Posterity that you don’t

Racism that you do have
Acceptance that you don’t

Failure that you do have
Success that you don’t

Questions that you do have
Answers that you don’t

Sins that you do have
Joy that you don’t

So we see
God really loves you
He is in the
Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
Lifetime and generational details
Of your life

Even if you don’t feel it
Don’t know it
Don’t see it
Don’t want it
Even if you don’t believe it 
Don’t care

He is there
Always acting for your benefit

And He cares
About you
All of you
Yes you


copyright 2019 by Dallas Lauchner

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

15 Smiles +1

A smile can be such a big lift in your day.  I recall when I was a student at BYU and would walk up the ramp to campus from Heleman halls.  It was a good feeling to have other students smiling at me.  Something about someone caring.  I didn't need help or a shoulder to lean on (well unless there was ice on the ramp then someone to hang on would have been nice until I learned how to walk on ice--since I was from the East coast.)  I am amazed at the happiness and strength not to mention comfort that a smile can bring.  So what I thought I would do is put together some great smiles for you to get you going on a better day.  Feel free to come back and enjoy these smiles whenever you need a lift!

3 Nephi 19:25  ...Jesus blessed them...and his countenance did smile upon them...

So many languages in the world, 
and a smile speaks them all. 
-- Unknown

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fence in fence out


My daughter Hilary is starting to understand the fences that we need in our lives.  She is a child who has always liked fences because they have made her feel safe but now she is understanding them.  (Click here to see her blog: "Looking for a Fence")

What I'm seeing in her blog that brings a lot of joy to this parent is that she now has taken responsibility for her own fences and is learning how to decide where to put them and maintain them.  Placing fences while maintaining plenty of room for growth and learning yet small enough to stay out of trouble and minimize temptations.

Fences not only keep us in but keep other things out.  Fences are necessary to help us determine how to act and respond to situations that come up.  Often the situations are surprises and need a ready made response.  I remember when I was a young man and President Kimball was the President of the Church.  He gave the youth the advice to make decisions about keeping commandments while we were young.  Decide not to break that commandment and then when the situation arises with an opportunity to break it then I am already prepared with my chosen response.  That tact has worked well for me and greatly minimized the pressure and momentary feelings that could have led me down unwanted paths.   

Fences can be comforting and provide a feeling of safety as well as a reality of safety.  If we place them well and they are strong and meaningful fences then we can go up to them and look over and be glad that we are inside where we are comfortable and free. 

There are some fences that can make us feel imprisoned and make us want out.  With those fences things look better on the outside and we don't like being stuck or imprisoned inside.  These fences can be made by others but sometimes are made by ourselves as well.  These kind of fences typically are made at a time in our lives when we are not fully aware of the consequences of our actions.  For example we can make choices that will imprison us literally and those fences would not be particularly comforting but will be stark reminders of our guilt and loss of freedom.  But there are choices we can make that will imprison us mentally, emotionally or even spiritually for a time.  Sometimes even another person can make choices that will imprison us emotionally for a time.  That last group can be especially tough. 

Here is an example from my life of when an emotional fence was built.  The consequences in this case are minor but they never-the-less are real.  In the first year of our marriage I was making a cake.  This was something that I had little experience doing but I was gladly doing it that day.  Maybe it was because Lisa was sick.  She was pregnant with our first child.  Midway through the making of that cake Lisa became more distressed and I postponed the completion of the cake, thinking I would finish later.  Before that day was done we were in the hospital and our first child was stillborn.  There was a lot of anguish and anxiety prior to that and the day seemed long and harrowing.  The result has been, for the last 25 years, that every time I contemplate making a cake the feelings of that day return and I have not even attempted a cake to this day.  I have managed an ice cream cake on a couple of occasions so all was not lost.  :)   

Things can happen in our lives that coincidentally get connected in our minds, maybe for the rest of our lives.  These connections can impact our lives for a long time and connections nor the impact are necessarily conscious.   

Sometimes our fences are not a response to choices but to circumstances.  Another person can impact us so severely emotionally that we build fences to protect us even when we do not need protecting or the situation doesn't warrant the fence.  Our choices can have an equally powerful emotional impact on us such that we can feel and be influenced by a decision, possibly one that seemed small at the time, for years to come.  As one example: choices that some people make to drive impaired whether from alcohol, drugs or texting or even anger can lead to catastrophes that will be a part of us for years. However if no catastrophe occurs we can repeat those dangerous actions maintaining the possibility of great harm. 

Our decisions in life are a type of fence.  Not just what we determine will be our limits and morals, but our daily decisions that lead to our reputation or our work ethic or even what we laugh at or do with our time.  Those habits and actions can fence us in by the perceptions or responses of others.  Nowadays things we put on the Internet can impact us and come back to haunt us.  Decisions we make can build or break down fences whether we want them to or not.

So the moral is, lets choose our fences wisely and find ones that are not just barriers but pleasant reminders of who we are and/or want to be and remind us of our goals.  Let's not inadvertently build fences that cause harm to us or others and become roadblocks in our lives.  If we already have destructive fences, let's dismantle them and move on.  Fences are great protections and can provide comfort and satisfaction.  Let us construct beautiful and helpful fences so we can grow to our potential rather than ugly destructive blockages that shunt us down twisted paths with ruts of regret. 

Here is an example of a mental fence in a quote:

Whether you think that you can,
or that you can't,
you are usually right.
-Henry Ford-

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This brother is like a milkshake not a headache

Sunday, at church, my friend Stacy asked me if I would drop into her Primary Class and talk to the class about what I thought of Jesus.  She teaches the four year old children and I said I would be glad to.  So I came at the appointed time and stepped into her class.  It was perfect timing because she was holding a big picture of Jesus as I walked in.  She welcomed me and immediately one little boy says "You're not supposed to be in here you are not my teacher!"  He then determines that he better turn and look at the wall, presumably so he won't see me encroaching in his classroom.  If he doesn't see it then I didn't do it.

That's when I realized that it might be a little more difficult than I thought to talk to the children about Jesus.  So immediately I latch onto this tact to get their attention.  I point the picture of Jesus and say, "This is my big brother," I see that catches them slightly, not what they imagined I would say and I see the head of the one facing the wall come up a little.  Before I can finish my thought he whirls around and says something like "My brother is mean and takes my things and fights with me and he threw something at me and it hit me and it gave me a headache and then my Daddy came and got me and took me somewhere and we had a milkshake!" 

So it seemed obvious what I should say next, "This brother is more like a milkshake than a headache!"  Now I had their full attention!

So as I thought about that little episode in the primary and my penchant for saying something surprising and unexpected I realized that maybe I was right!  The Savior is the best brother we have.  Not only does he have all the righteous attributes but he loved us so much that he gave everything so we could have everything.  Awesome!

When Stacy first asked me to come into her class I realized that what really impressed me at that moment about Christ was what he did in the pre-existence.  I don't know exactly how it happened but Heavenly Father had presented the plan and then Satan interrupted and gave his plan which was significantly different.  Aside from the fact that Satan wanted the glory for himself rather than give it to Heavenly Father he also wanted to take something away from us that we already had -- free agency.  He wanted not only the glory but he wanted to have control, detailed control of each one of us.  That is what he fights for now.  He wants to control each of us still.

So, in that moment when, I imagine, we are all letting Satan's outburst sink in and we are realizing he is going against Father and demanding something for himself, at that confusing moment when we may be holding our collective breath and having seen something we may not have expected to see (rebellion) at that uncertain moment when we might have felt fear or confusion, our Oldest Brother steps forward and reaffirms and supports Heavenly Father's plan.  To me that was a big deal.  He came forward at exactly that moment when we all needed to be reassured and comforted.  He loved us then so much that he overcame his own concerns in response to our needs and fears.  Just as he has always done.  I love him for that.  I look forward to the day I can remember how good that felt! 
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