Thursday, March 3, 2011

Guest Blog: Thank Your Favorite Magician

I’ve been a magician now for over 30 years.  My mom continued as a magician herself for several years after I branched out on my own; then my dad took over the job.  Three of my daughters are also magicians, in varying stages of training and experience.  The magic we practice?  The laundry!

When you’re not the one who actually does the laundry, it is magic.  Think about it!  You take your stinky socks, your sweaty t-shirt, the jeans you wiped your greasy fingers on—and you drop them in the “magic box”.  Your grass-stained shorts, your ketchup-splattered shirt, your ink-stained blouse—all are restored to their former glory by depositing them in the magic box.  Your magic box might be called a hamper or a laundry chute.  (Some magicians even collect the raw materials for their magic from bedroom floors, but for years I have resisted giving in to this collection method.)  And then, in only a matter of days—sometimes mere hours--your grimy, sweaty, stinky clothes resurface, transformed!  They appear neatly folded in your drawers.  They are found hanging clean in your closet.   Without so much as a wave of your hand, your favorite shirt, your well-loved jeans are clean and bright again, and ready to be worn at your earliest whim. 

So if you’re wishing for a little magic in your life, remember it’s all around you.  In fact, it’s in the very clothes you wear.  And if you are fortunate enough to live with a magician, let her (or him) know how much you appreciate their special brand of magic.   It will make their day!

X-drive (Confused about who this author is?  Click Here for clarification)

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha, nice mom :) i never thought of it that way! but i have to say that i am grateful for my co-magician mike because he definitely deserves some of the credit for the proper functioning of our "magic box" ;)
