Thursday, January 27, 2011

God Bless the USA by e11even

Here is a young family that uses music to not only keep their family close but to bless the lives of others as well.  When I went looking on YouTube for a video of them I had hoped to show you one of them singing "We are family" (not the Sister Sledge song) that is very nice.  But this is their only video on YouTube.  I still liked it so much that I thought it might be appreciated here.  I enjoy watching the youngest children.  Hope you enjoy it too!

You might notice that there are only ten of them in this video, the youngest is a baby and so wasn't in this video.  If you would like to go to their website then click on here.

You might be interested to note that their oldest daughter is Miss Idaho and competed in the Miss America pageant this year.  She was the only participant to do the swim suit part of the program in a one piece swim suit.  Click here to see an article about her participation. 

All of us can't use music like this family has in their family but there is something that each one of use can use to promote family togetherness and love in the family.  I hope we can each find what will help us.  And even if we aren't great singers I think that there is a place for singing in the family...anything from caroling at Christmas to singing hymns in the home. 

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