Friday, January 28, 2011

BYU wins # 20

I'm a graduate of BYU.  I'm a fan of BYU sports.  I am not a fanatic but just a solid fan.  We fans suffered through the first half of the football season but then came back strong making a bowl game and winning it. 

In basketball we haven't suffered much.  Last Wednesday we won our twentieth win of the season with one loss!  The team is doing great.  Of course you've heard of Jimmer Fredette who is the scoring star of the team and Jackson Emery who is the steals star of the team and lots of other guys who do all the other hard work to get a win.  This picture below is at the San Diego State game that we won Wednesday, the first time that BYU has beaten a top ten team in our own Marriott Center.  I listened to it on the radio (since T.V. on the East coast wasn't available) and enjoyed the victory.  Keep your eyes on BYU and lets see what they can do this year!

A unique thing about BYU sports is where can you find little children on the front row at any other school?  Looking at this picture if I picked someone who is acting like I would at a game it would be the guy in the gray sweater who is standing.  If it were me I would be thinking, I wish these guys would sit down so I could see better! 

At BYU we believe in God, Sports and you might also add to that Little Children.  Go BYU!

1 comment:

  1. Go cougs!!!!!! I loved it when people would be at games with their little babies all decked out in byu gear :) hopefully that'll be me and mike before too long! ;)
