Thursday, January 27, 2011

That's what friends are for 2

We have some friends that very recently moved out of state.  Since he needed some knee surgery and already had it set up here they ask if they could come back and stay with us for a couple days so he could get his surgery and then they could ride the train back to their new home.  Of course we agreed.  So a husband, wife and little daughter, and one more on the way I might add, are staying with us.   

We had room in our home because two of our girls are at college, we even had a vehicle for them to use while they were here.  As you might guess he had the surgery and then needed to stay longer so they will be here several more days.  Their little daughter is a real gem.  Since I have four daughters I am partial to girls anyway I suppose.  She isn't talking much yet, but she does some good grunting that her mother understands well--which may explain why she isn't talking much yet.  It is fun having them there but I can see that it is tough for them.  The mother would like to be out and about more but is needed to help care for her husband.  Things they need and are accustomed to having are at their home and not here when they need them or would like to have them.  She says the hardest thing is getting him to the bathroom with the brace and contraptions on his leg.  I ask yesterday if they were getting tired of being in the house.  She said she had been out but yes she was feeling some of that.  She is a volleyball player and she looked to me like she would like to go play a good game of volleyball and work up a nice sweat to counteract some stress. 

Early this morning their little girl woke up and was crying.  I woke up but just went back to sleep.  They are giving us a little practice with having our girls visit when they have families of their own.  It is not often that I get awakened in the middle of the night with some noise now that we only have one child at home and the others at college.  When I do it is usually when the college students are home and forget that time is different at home then it is at college where some stay up much of the night. 

I'm grateful I can be a help to this little family.  As I look back when we were young and starting our family I realize there were many folks that helped us out and I'm glad I can provide that help for others now.  So isn't it true -- that's what friends are for?  I realized long ago that there is very little you can do to help others that doesn't come back your way when in need. 

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