Friday, November 11, 2011

Update on Elder Trevor Strong (Modern Hero #5)


In a blog written two days ago, I recognized Elder Trevor Strong as a Modern Hero.  It appears that again Heavenly Father is using this to have an impact for good, including having an impact on others for good.  I always find it amazing and even miraculous that Heavenly Father uses our best efforts and sometimes even our weak efforts, as well as our tragedies to help us and others be turned to our Savior Jesus Christ.  Not only was Elder Strong a great missionary in the Lord's service, but his death can impact his family and others to remind all of us of our Savior and in remembering to turn our lives a little more directly to Him. 

Regarding his son's decision to extend his mission a few weeks he is quoted in the article as saying: "Sure, I say to myself, 'Boy, I wish . . . '"Gordon said. "But then I stop myself. He was doing what he wanted to do. He was doing the Lord's work. He was happy. This isn't what we expected. But this is the way it is. His mission has been extended — just a lot longer than we anticipated."

Regarding calling Trevor's twin brother, also serving a mission to tell him of his brother's death: "the hardest phone call I ever had to make." It was an emotional moment on the phone for both father and son. "He wept, and so did I," Gordon said softly. "I remember him saying, 'He's half of me. What am I going to do?'
"I told him, 'You've been teaching the Plan of Salvation for two years. This is where you learn it,'" Gordon said, adding: "We're all going to learn it."

Gordon's response to if he had negative feelings about his son's death: "For me to be bitter or negative wouldn't be useful to anyone," he said. "We live in a world where things are not perfect, where accidents happen. I find that when I dwell on the negative, I feel no comfort. But when I try to focus on the positive and just move on, that's where I find the joy."

And finally what brings the father comfort: "This is a young man who lived what he taught," Gordon said. "He's with his Heavenly Father now. As a father, there is great comfort in knowing that."

Wow!  Could a father be any more humble and articulate in honoring his son's life and service?.  

1 comment:

  1. What a manly man father this boy had :) thanks for posting this follow-up - it brought tears to my eyes
