Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Modern Hero #5: Elder Trevor Reinhold Strong

Elder Trevor Strong was one of the two missionaries killed when a car struck their threesome in Donna Texas.  Elder Strong had actually completed his mission but had extended for three extra weeks and was in the middle of that extension.  I realize of course that he didn't know he would die during that extension, but I still see him as a hero for wanting to continue his mission anticipating that he would return in time for Thanksgiving with his family. 

What is it that makes a young person set aside two years of his life to serve the Lord full-time?  Just when he is entering adulthood and making some of the decisions that will begin to define his life, he decides to define his life by service to God by serving some of God's children, strangers to him.  I suspect it is a desire to be what the Lord wants him to be, that is what motivates a young man to do something as radical as give his precious time to the Lord. 

I remember the end of my mission and how I wanted to continue my service.  I remember talking to President Lowe, my Mission President, and asking him for an extension.  He assured me that he could only give me the two weeks that would send our missionary group home together at the same time and could not extend me beyond that.  I was disappointed but of course knew that going home would have other adventures, just not ones that at that moment I felt as qualified to undertake. 

According to the newspaper article in Deseret News, Elder Strong was staying to finish up some work with a couple families and training some new missionaries.  Perhaps the surviving missionary of the threesome--who was apparently a newer missionary--is the one that was receiving much of that training.

Likely the real hero here is Elder Strong's mother that almost had him home back in her arms but now must wait an unknown period of time to get that hug that she likely anticipated.  Elder Strong was a twin and his brother Scott was also serving a mission and is scheduled to return home in time for his brother's funeral.  What a tragedy but also a victory, to have served with his all prior to his death.  Undoubtedly that is a hope for us all, to have given our all in life so our death seems a victory rather than a setback.

Elder Derek Walker was his companion that also died in the accident.  By all accounts both young men were exemplary--no surprise since they were serving the Lord at the right time of their lives.  I hope both families can be comforted and celebrate their son's lives.  I also trust in God's Plan, that they will have every opportunity to have the experiences that they will miss as a result of their untimely deaths.  And who knows, companions in Texas and possibly companions in the next life teaching those who desire the gospel who missed it in mortality. 


  1. I was part of the medical staff when u arrived to the hospital...I didn't know you or even had seen you but u have touched my life..I have prayed for your families strength during such a difficult time and to you may god bless your soul you seemed like such a beautiful person. Wish I had had the chance to have met you..god bless you and your family


  3. Wow dad, I hadn't even heard about this story! That would definitely be a hard situation with lots of big potential "what-ifs". In Brother Bott's mission prep class at BYU he always said that if you die on your mission and you're doing things right, "automatic exaltation!" ;) it was a joke he made but seriously - this elder definitely left this world as a modern hero as he was actively waging the war against Satan by going out and teaching our Father's children. Thanks for sharing :)
