Thursday, September 26, 2019

Jane Austen Says it Best

My girls and I are Jane Austen fans.  And we have found her pithy commentary to be just as applicable in our modern-day society as it was in Georgian society.

One afternoon last week I looked out my bathroom window and was startled to see a large white chicken in my back yard.  ðŸ˜³ (Quite unexpected in our suburban neighborhood!)

A few moments later, I noticed that the chicken was not alone.  A young girl from the house with the back yard kitty-corner to ours had perched on the fence, clapping her hands in an attempt to get the chicken's attention.

I managed to capture a video of some of the girl's efforts to corral the chicken and get it back into her yard.  If you'd like a good chuckle, watch this 2-1/2 minute video by clicking the link below:

Jane Austen says it best: "For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn!"