Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Have/have not

Opportunities that you do have
Opportunities that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you.

Trials that you do have
Trials that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Money that you do have
Money that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Talents that you do have
Talents that you don’t have
Are both
Proof that God loves you

Beauty that you do have
And beauty that you don’t

Abilities that you do have
And abilities that you don’t

Limits that you do have
And limits that you don’t

Experience that you do have
And wisdom that you don't

Strengths that you do have
Weaknesses that you don’t

Friends that you do have
Family that you don’t

Roots that you do have
Posterity that you don’t

Racism that you do have
Acceptance that you don’t

Failure that you do have
Success that you don’t

Questions that you do have
Answers that you don’t

Sins that you do have
Joy that you don’t

So we see
God really loves you
He is in the
Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
Lifetime and generational details
Of your life

Even if you don’t feel it
Don’t know it
Don’t see it
Don’t want it
Even if you don’t believe it 
Don’t care

He is there
Always acting for your benefit

And He cares
About you
All of you
Yes you


copyright 2019 by Dallas Lauchner