Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Day with Eli

Finally Eli and I get to meet.  And of course he only had two things on his mind...eating and sleeping.
This was him sleeping when we went to the Thai restaurant and the French bakery.

It was a hot day and his cheeks were red. 
I checked his fingers
and toes.
He slept through dinner
and then wanted special food.
We did get to hang out a little before he returned to his other favorite activity again.


  1. He's grown so much since I was there! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  2. Yay!!! So glad you guys finally got to meet! I love the last picture of you holding him :) he is growing so fast!! That is good because that means he will fit into that mustache giraffe onesie before you know it ;) thanks for putting up pictures!!
