Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hope ya know...

Yup as you saw yesterday I am a big BYU fan.  Today I thought I'd make it real clear.  I still love BYU, but not just the sports but all the learning that goes on there too. 

When I was young I loved mathmatics so this video about some of the great BYU math students was cool to me. 

What if...
The smart kids in school were as popular as the athletes?
The intellectual competitions had as much attendance and excitement at sports?
We valued effort in learning as much as effort in a game?
What if...

A BYU PHD Math Student:

BYU mathmatics education master's degree

1 comment:

  1. that was pretty cool to learn more about the math and math ed departments! i have no idea what theorems and things that PhD student was listing off but it sounded pretty sweet! and that mathletes video was awesome!! hahaha :) you do bring up an interesting point though about how valued (measured in attendance and interest expressed) athletic prowess is versus intellectual skill. hmm...very interesting. i don't think i was ever even aware of any mathlete competitions whereas i always knew when a football game was!
