Friday, January 13, 2012

To be a Priesthood Man: Hard work pays off

I ran across this video about Tyler Haws.  Tyler Haws is a BYU basketball player (it is basketball season after all) and this video is an interview with him and his parents prior to his leaving to serve a mission in the Philippines.  This video is quite inspirational as it underlines two things that I especially appreciated.  First was that hard work is what has made him great in his basketball endeavors and will help him be successful in all his life activities.  Second is mildly underscored that being a Priesthood man, a good man, is more important than the other things he might be good at.  Enjoy the video and expect to see Tyler back with BYU maybe next season. 

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool!!! I had actually seen this one before but it was fun to watch again :) I am always touched by the stories of young men who choose to leave behind all the other great things that life offers to serve the Lord and thereby offer their hearts to Him and share some of the goodness of their lives with others who don't have it :) i thought it was really cool how he talked about how choosing a mission was easy because he had already chosen it a long time ago. also I really miss BYU basketball games!!!!!!!! ;)
