Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The 5000 days project: Two Brothers Apart

The 5000 day project is a film that has been in the making over the last 11 years.  Rick Stevenson is the Producer and Director.  His goal in movie making is to make movies that are uplifting and have some meaning.  The following clip highlights two of the boys that are in the movie.  I just read about an advanced screening that will be held Sunday after General Conference on Sunday Oct. 2.  It isn't in our area but sounds interesting.  I understand the movie is being put out by BYU. 

This looks very interesting.  It follows some children from about age 7 to the present to determine what shapes them in their young lives.  This preview shows one boy and highlights his relationship with his brother and how that changes as the years go by.  We'll have to see if it is available in our area when it comes out. 

Two brothers apart


  1. that looks soooo good dad!! please let me know more about it as you find out more! is this something that is going straight to DVD or will it be showing in selected theaters or what??? i want to see it!

  2. Tons of info now available at twobrothersthemovie.com!
