Friday, August 5, 2011

Reception pictures of the wedding couple

The reception was held at the Springville Musuem of Art.  It was a beautiful place and turned out to be just the right spot for the reception.  Thanks to Josh's family for choosing such a great venue and for putting on a wonderful reception.  Once again all the pictures shown here are from MP Photography except the one above of the museum.  It really was a great night and will have lots of memories not only for the married couple but for the rest of us that were there as well.  I'll start the reception pictures with posed ones of the wedding couple.

And here are a few  of candid pictures of just Josh and Megan.


  1. woot! if megan and josh are anything like me, they can't stop looking at all their wedding pictures :) i remember i uploaded them to my phone so i could always have them close by to look at :) i still pull them out often just to look and remember the joy of the day :-D two daughters married = two joyful days!!!!

  2. All pics are awesome!!! Both Bride and Groom are looking fabulous. Wedding cake looks very yummy :D

  3. Photographs are the most precious part of any ocassion.They make us to remember the whole ocassion in a minute.I too had laid emphasizes on photograph in my vedding and get a very owesome environment for photography byvillage wedding venue
