Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday Music #18: Chris Field: Ave Maria

Chris Field is a musician that is known for writing movie trailer music.  If you are unfamiliar with this genre you may want to go to here to learn more.  He has written trailer music for a lot of successful films including Yogi Bear, Nanny McPhee Returns, Twilight, Valkyrie, War of the Worlds, X-Men, Black Hawk Down and Harry Potter. And I left more than twice that many movies out, so he has done a lot of trailer music.  This is his first album.  Chris himself refers to his own music as having "a calmer uplifting feeling". 
Chris recently had a studio built into his home where he now does much of his music on computer.  He said he started learning how to make music on the computer about 8 years ago.  He says,"I was told as a kid by a teacher that there is never an end to learning music. It's true. I just keep on trying and discovering new ways to do things."

The album, entitled Subconscious, is described in these words on his own website: "Sub-Conscious is a neo-classical groove, with ambient and cinematic styles."  That is music talk for 'it is very cool sounding music'. Ha! 
Most of us have heard of the song Ave Maria and are familiar with it.  Nowadays it gets played a lot at Christmas time and is considered a very religious song to those from the Catholic church.  Since it has been associated with Christmas it has been been given a lot of different versions, as much of our Christmas music is nowadays, in a variety of music genres.  This version is very unique and in some ways becomes almost unrecognizable from the original.  It may well have you thinking differently about this song than ever before.  And if you are unfamiliar with this song, this version serves as a good introduction to electronic music.

Chris Field: Ave Maria (The video shows only the album cover throughout)

The rest of the album is quite enjoyable as well.  If you like this song you may enjoy the others on the album.  Enjoy!

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