Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene update #2

Well the storm has definitely moved more into our area.  The rain is coming down harder and more consistently and the wind has picked up significantly.  Trees are dancing around a lot more.  Vision outside has been reduced and I see there are a lot less cars on the road now and they are driving much slower.
I got a call from my Mom and she said that their electricity went out for about 20 minutes but was back on again.  She said a neighbors tree lost a large limb into her yard and she is worried the whole tree will come down into her yard.  Our electricity went off a couple of times for just seconds but then we had trouble connecting with the Internet for several minutes afterwards. The lights dim from time to time as well.  Part of our neighbors tree is down as well as you can see in the picture above.
Things are definitely picking up now, sometimes you can hear the wind outside whining and the rain beats against the windows more than it was this morning.  I noticed a few hours ago that all flights in and out of Richmond have now been cancelled.  I can't imagine what hassles that means for various folks, since they have gotten caught in this hurricane.

When I checked the weather for tomorrow it sounded pretty pleasant after rain in the morning, so maybe things will get back to normal quickly if the storm is gone by then.  Monday looked like a down right pleasant day.  I guess the real test will be how many trees go down and how that interferes with traffic. 

Hilary made it to her destination and so she can start getting ready for school to start next week.  Here everyone is just lounging around waiting to see what will happen with the storm.  So far so good here in VA.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys are still doing okay!! I made sure to get on and check the update after my nap :) have you heard anything more about if people who've been evacuated went to the church or to anyone's homes?
