Tuesday, August 23, 2011

28th Anniversary!

This is the present I gave to Lisa for our anniversary.  It is a Kim Lawrence figurine
that symbolizes a married couple's love for each other.
A couple weeks ago Lisa told me to get off work a couple hours early on our anniversary which fell on a Friday.  I was all for that!  I said something like, "Oh, a surprise?!"  She said, "I didn't say anything about a surprise!"  So she had fun plotting a surprise and I had fun anticipating a surprise! 

When I got home early from work on the 19th she informed me we were going off for the weekend and that she would give me her full attention for the weekend.  So that was exciting, she gave me the initial instructions to go out of town and then a few miles out she told me where we were going. 
We had a great time staying in a cottage on top of a mountain in south eastern Virginia.  You can look at and even arrange to go to the place we went by going to their website
We went grocery shopping before we arrived so we would have some things to eat at meals.  It was a few miles from the nearest town and the last 2.5 miles were up a gravel road so we weren't anticipating coming down the mountain for any fancy dinners or anything.  We did buy a couple sub sandwiches for a late dinner on Friday and some good things for the other meals as well.
It was a very nice and private weekend.  We enjoyed hiking on the trails they had cleared around the area.  Although due to the time of year, the trails were cleared of all but spider webs.  So we had walking sticks to practice our Jedi maneuvers to removes the webs as we walked down the wooded paths. 

This "love seat chair" was one of my favorites with ottoman for a cushy foot rest.
The cottage was nice and cosy but had plenty of room for reading, sleeping and a little T.V. watching.   Lisa thought ahead and brought some letters we had written each other before we were married and she read several of them to me.  That really brought back memories from "back in the day" and may have been what led to my feeling young and eating a bunch of spicy food before bed which lead to some discomfort later on in the night.  It is amazing what aging will do to you.
The hot tub came complete with rubber ducky!
One of Lisa's favorite things was the hot tub that was on the back porch.  She found it enjoyable to get up in the morning and pop in the hot tub to get all those aches heated out of you.  We enjoyed the hot tub several times.  I found it especially enjoyable because the weather was much more moderate at the top of the mountain than down here at home.  So laying in the hot tub looking up at the stars was much more fun.  Made me wonder what it would feel like in the winter!
The bedroom was up in the loft which was fun.
It really was a great memory and enjoyable time together.  We had some good discussions and shared some fun memories from the past. 

1 comment:

  1. yay!!!!! sounds like you guys had a blast!!! :) hahaha - mike and i particularly liked reading about your Jedi moves and the spicy food eating from feeling young ;) hahahaha. so glad you had a great time! also glad you had a rubber ducky to hang out in the hot tub with you! :)
