Saturday, July 30, 2011

Temple marriage--a family friendly place

Everyone we could corral after the wedding.
More pictures from Megan and Josh's wedding.  This time we include pictures taken at the temple with family and friends.  Once again all the pictures are taken by MP Photography.  Next week I'll be posting pictures from the reception.  We'll start with the posed pictures and then with the candid pictures outside the temple.
Megan with companions from her mission.
Josh with roommates/companions/friends.
The wedding couple with the groomsmen.
Megan and her sisters laughing of course, one of the things our family does best.
Megan and her bride's maids blowing kisses to me (you'd never catch groomsmen doing this).
The new couple with Josh's family.

Josh and Megan with her family.

I get a little tired of seeing so many pictures of newlyweds kissing and you
will notice that I haven't put many in my posts.  But this once we needed to prove that we can
still kiss as good as newlyweds!
Nate is a good kisser, giving Josh lessons.
Megan and Grandma.
Megan and her Father-in-law.

Josh before the green tennis shoes came on.

1 comment:

  1. Marriage works by loving the right person enough to make the right choices as you do so.
    Thanks for the best photos. Congrats
    Orange County marriage and family counselor
