Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pictures from Girl's camp 2011

Well now that everyone has returned home and had plenty of time (several days) to recuperate from girls camp I thought it might be safe to place some pictures on my blog.  I heard it was a lot of fun and hopefully the pictures can bring back some good memories. 

1 comment:

  1. it's so weird to be looking at photos of girls camp and to hardly know any of the girls!! and even though i wasn't at that girls camp, it did bring back great memories from my girls camp days :) what an anomaly the Church's girls camp is in the world - not just a camp to go away to for a week and do campy things, but a camp where girls go to be spiritually strengthened and enlightened, and of course to have incredible amounts of fun doing things that they probably typically wouldn't get to do during a week in the summer :) good memories indeed!!!
