Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wedding time of life

Edgar Allen Poe Museum Gardens
I had never thought much about it before but it seems that there is a  time for many things in life and this last year must be the wedding time in our life.  This past weekend we went to the wedding of my nephew Sean and his wife Kristen.  They had a unique wedding in the garden of the Edgar Allen Poe Museum.  Their reception was in a working train station which must have been interesting and a surprise to all the passengers going through.  Surely they enjoyed the band that was there playing. 
Lisa reminded me that it had been exactly a year since we were in Portland with Anny and Dane's wedding which was mentioned in yesterdays post. 

Then last October we were enjoying Jaime and Mikes wedding.

Now in two and a half weeks we will be enjoying Megan and Josh's wedding. 
I can't foresee that we will be attending this many weddings of family members again in our life time, so compacted.  I realize that life can certainly surprise regularly but it would be hard to imagine. 

At Sean and Kristen's reception as at other ones we have attended they have a dance for married folks and then count up the number of years married until one couple, married the longest, is left on the floor.  I've experienced that a couple of times at previous receptions but I note that we are getting closer and closer to the end.  We may have been in the top five or six yesterday. 

Needless to say all these weddings have brought back fond memories of our wedding.  Lisa mentioned at Sean and Kristen's wedding that Sean was just a little boy when we were married and we have pictures of him kissing Lisa's cheek at the reception.  Now he is kissing his wife's cheek.  Time does move on, doesn't it? 


  1. it definitely has been a wedding time of life hasn't it :) and i can add kim's wedding to the list too! i really love weddings :) they are such happy things! plus, like it does for you and mom, it reminds me of my wedding day too which i very much love remembering :) the last wedding i went to was kim's and i didn't get to go with mike, but i am super stoked for megan's wedding where i'll get to be there with my handsome husband!!! everything is better when he's around :)

  2. Megan is getting married?! fun fun time sure passes fast. I guess I gotta hold onto this time cause it's going to go soon!
