Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Music #13: Francesca Battistelli: Beautiful, Beautiful

Francesca Battistelli has grown into a good Christian Singer.  Many of her songs have good strong faith filled lyrics that are encouraging to those trying to follow Christ in a world that seems headed in other directions. Francesca grew up in Florida in a musical family.  Her music is in the pop/rock style that appeals to young people but I enjoy her music as well.  She was in her first group when she was 15 and performed a lot.  After that group disbanded she decided to do the music that she wanted which was Christian music.  Now she is married and has had her first child.  She is maturing and growing up in the music industry that can be hard to stay grounded in. 
She is maturing in her Christian attitudes as evidenced by this quote from her web site: "The more you walk in relationship with the Lord, the more you learn to trust him. I'm learning not to focus so much on the issues I think are so big right now—our bus has broken down, or someone said something that frustrated me. I'm learning to slowly let things roll off my back, to say, 'Hey, God knew about this before it happened and He's got a way out or a plan better than mine.' I've learned to stop freaking out and just trust that God knows what he's doing. He's not going to leave me in a bad place because He never has before."
The song I have chosen to highlight today is called Beautiful Beautiful.  It is a song that I understand as teaching how we can change and grow when we recognize and allow ourselves to be influenced by the Savior. 

Words and music by Francesca Battistelli, Ian Eskelin, and Andrew Fromm.

Here are the lyrics: 

Don’t know how it is You looked at me
And saw the person that I could be
Awakening my heart
Breaking through the dark
Suddenly Your grace
Like sunlight burning at midnight
Making my life something so
Beautiful, beautiful
Mercy reaching to save me
All that I need
You are so
Beautiful, beautiful
Now there’s a joy inside I can’t contain
But even perfect days can end in rain
And though it’s pouring down
I see You through the clouds
Shining on my face
I have come undone
But I have just begun
Changing by Your grace

This song comes from the album My Paper Heart.
Francesca Battistelli, Beautiful, Beautiful

1 comment:

  1. hey, i think alot of perfect days end in rain and that helps them be perfect!! ;) this song makes me think of two kinds of beauty. first, it reminds me that Heavenly Father is always there even through the tough times and that He can help us to see the beauty around even when it might be tough. He made this world and even though there are plenty of not great things in it, there are still so many beautiful things for us to behold and take part in. the second type of beauty i am reminded of is the beauty within each person as a son or daughter of God. the Atonement can help us to chip away the things that mask the beauty in each of us. as we let our Father refine us, we can emanate beauty to others around us and bless their lives. it takes time, a whole lifetime and more even, but it can happen if we will let it.
