Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Music # 12: Eagles Path: David Lanz and Paul Speer

Eagles Path has been one of my favorite songs since hearing it many years ago.  It was put with a beautiful video that you can see as you listen to the song below.  That video is one that I played many times for relaxation for myself.  My older children remember it from nights when they had a hard time sleeping and it was one video from a very small group that I would rock them to until they could fall asleep (sometimes with a little popcorn to munch on).  I found the music calming to me as well as to them and it helped me not fret over the fact that we were up late at night when I wanted to be in bed sleeping.  In addition I used this song when I used to work on an adolescent psychiatric unit to help the teens relax.  We did a little bit of relaxation therapy with the teens and this song in particular was able to catch their interest enough and to grab their anxieties and bring them down to a calmer and more peaceful place. 

David Lanz is a talented and well known pianist.  He has stated that he creates music with the hope that it will help people find an atmosphere of enlightenment.  His music falls into the category of New Age and is typically instrumental.  He has said that "the piano is the most divinely inspired instrument on the planet".  Certainly there are many that would agree with that.  I've always loved piano music and have listened to his music for years. 
Paul Speer, a little older now than the picture with David Lanz
Paul Speer was a new artist to me until I found him collaborating on this album with David Lanz.  He plays the electric guitar and though I am more a fan of the piano his style works well on this album and another couple that he and David Lanz collaborated on. Paul started playing the guitar at age 9 and his first paid gig was at age 12 while playing with his two brothers.  He produces albums as well, having produced over 250 albums. 
David Lanz and Paul Speer: Eagles Path

1 comment:

  1. i totally remember this video!!! and the song too :) i used to think that all you and mom did after we went to bed was stay up and watch these relaxing videos since that's always what you did when i got up and couldn't fall asleep :) hahaha. thanks for rocking me to sleep in the banana chair while watching videos like this all those nights when i was the one who couldn't fall asleep :)
