Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My experience with the Book of Mormon

Mark Mabry art of Christ coming to Nephites in the Book of Mormon
I was reading a blog by a fellow Mormon that inspired me to write a post about my experience with the Book of Mormon.  I have read the Book of Mormon several times and in two languages.  That certainly doesn't make me an expert on it, but it does indicate that I am pretty familiar with it.  The first time I read it through was when I was a teenager and we were challenged in our early morning religion class before school to read it.  I read it in about 34 days.  At that particular time I found it exciting and enjoyable to read.  It touched me with some of the things that were taught in it and I felt like it was what it purported to be, which is scripture. 

I have grown up in the church and learned from the Book of Mormon right alongside the Bible.  I attended three years at a private Christian middle school and had daily Bible classes.  I have loved both books of scripture and found them both to coincide closely in teaching the words of Christ. 

They both bring forth the importance of Christ and the hope that Christ has given humankind.  One difference is that the Book of Mormon seems to concentrate more on the daily application of Christ's teachings as opposed to the Bible which seems more focused on declaring instruction from God to man. 

I use them both in my life to guide me to understand what God wants me to know, to be inspired by his teachings and examples, and then to implement them into my life.  The two together help me see the gospel in a more well rounded way and identify how the teachings apply to me as an American in this modern age.  As one woman I respect (Chieko Okasaki) said "In principle great clarity, in practice great charity".  The two books of scripture together give Christ's teachings more clarity in my mind, and coming from different cultures they help us to view their difference in implementation which allows us greater charity in seeing a larger variety of people attempting to live by Christ's teachings and example in the books. 

In my quest to know if both books are truly from God for our benefit and growth, I have had my prayers answered and know that they are both true books of scripture which together are meant to guide us to correct doctrine and correct practice of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will take the opportunity to study them both, and compare the fullness of God's Spirit that comes from both.  I hope you will allow that Spirit to guide you in your application of the principles taught by prophets and our Savior in both books.

Here is a short video introduction to the Book of Mormon. 


  1. Sister Okazaki is one of my favorite speakers. I also love that quote. I use it all the time.

  2. Nice to hear your testimony dad! :) sometimes I forget about the fact that the Bible is full of important revelations from Heavenly Father to His children as well - it seems I focus on the Book of Mormon more than the Bible frequently. I think Mike spent a good amount of time on his mission studying the Bible(or at least more than me!) so he is a good reminder to me of the importance of knowing and applying both books :) thanks for your reminder too!!

  3. Thank you for sharing your testimony of the Book of Mormon! It is true and it is beautiful. I love that the Book of Mormon and the Bible, together, are what has given you direction in your life. Here is power!

