Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Music #7: Octappella--Anthem to My King

I am a lover of Acapela music.  Acapela music has more of an impact in Christmas themed music and what I'll call humorous music, but it is also getting quite a presence in Christian music.  This particular song is put out by the male acapela group Octappella and unusually has a female soloist for this song.  Mindy Gledhill is the soloist.  Both Octappella and Mindy Gledhill are LDS singers. 

Octappella and Mindy Gledhill: Anthem to My King

Holy Father with humble voice I raise
An Anthem to my King
May the Heavens find a way to hear
Those words I cannot sing
Lord with everlasting praise will Thee I worship endless days
Let this voice of gladness bring glory to thy name
Lord with everlasting praise will Thee I worship endless days
Let my voice of gladness bring glory to thy name
Father, our grateful voices raise an anthem to our king
May the heavens write on every heart
The words we cannot sing
Lord with everlasting praise will Thee we worship endless days
Let our voices of gladness bring glory to thy name
Father with grateful voices
Now we raise an Anthem to our…
Holy Father with grateful voice I raise
An Anthem to my King

1 comment:

  1. She has a nice, smooth voice! Mike says he has some of her CDs! Neat! It was very nice put to scenes from the Savior's life and it was really thought-provoking the way they showed the whole thing and then showed Him as a baby again for the last scene :)
