Thursday, May 19, 2011

Guest Blog: Turning 21

Our third daughter turned 21 a couple of weeks ago.  Rather than choosing to go out to dinner, she asked me to make one of her favorites here at home (chicken pot pie).  She asked her dad to make her an ice cream cake (she has never liked actual cake, even as a kid).  And then, after dinner and opening her presents, we all went down to the family room and watched "Tangled" together.

This in vivid contrast to the way the world would suggest she mark this "passage into adulthood".

It's actually quite ironic; celebrating your coming of age, your maturity, your adulthood, by taking mood- and mind-altering substances into your body--so much so that the next morning, you are hard-pressed to remember just what you did and who you did it with.   

How much more mature, more adult--in the true sense of the word--to respect your spirit and your body, and to remain master of both.  To spend time with people you care about, to enjoy their company, and to have those memories the next morning. 

That's the recipe for a happy birthday--and a pretty good foundation on which to build a happy life.



  1. that's funny you bring this up because as i see customers at the bank i tend to ask them what their plans are for the weekend. among the younger folk, it is not uncommon that i hear of plans for a 21st birthday party either for them or one of their friends. it's tough because the way that these birthdays are typically celebrated is usually opposite of how you described hilary's bday just like you said, and it is at that point that i have nothing positive to say to the customer haha. i just think it's lame to celebrate a bday that way. you bring up a good point of how hilary celebrated her bday is so much more grown-up and mature than going out and partying it up. glad you guys had a great time! wish we could've been there to celebrate with you guys!!! :) thanks for teaching me how to properly celebrate becoming an adult - i know i wasn't at home for my 21st bday, but my friends and i went to red robin and that was pretty much it haha ;) so i still got in the yummy food and people i cared about!

  2. I don't remember my 21st birthday, but that's probably because I didn't do anything memorable. Dinner with family, maybe? Happy 21 to your smart girl!

  3. I was really touched with this blog. If only all young adults did what your daughter has done during her 21st birthday,for sure, all those who turned 21 have beautiful memories to share.
