Saturday, April 2, 2011

Conference Season

I have learned to love conference.  It seems that when we learn to appreciate conference that we begin to understand and feel the value of our modern day prophet.  That helps us to see that Heavenly Father really does care and love us today as much as any other time of the earth's existence.  Not just that he loves us as a religious group but individually and as a world.  President Monson is a prophet for the world, but we are the ones listening. 

My daughter taught me something a while back about conference.  She learned on her mission that in preparation for conference that if you will contemplate the questions you have about your life and/or the help that you need right now, and then pray with faith for the help to come, and then look and listen closely at conference that you will find the answers there.  I have found that to be true.  When we come prepared to listen and hear we will get the inspiration and guidance we are looking for.  

Go to conference!  And listen close for those answers. 

1 comment:

  1. i wish i would've read this yesterday so i could listen in today's sessions too!! :) but at least there are two left for us to listen for answers in tomorrow!! on a different note, i was also thinking today about how different my attitude is about conference from when i was a kid. i appreciate it much more now :)
