Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day

Today at work I received an email from a collegue who said: "Did you know today is International Women’s Day….and it’s the 100th anniversary of it?  Thought you might like to pass this on to your daughters!" 

My response: "Hey, that’s cool.  I’m confused though, I’m pretty sure women have been around a lot longer than that!"

So I went on the internet to learn a little bit about it and came across a bunch of pictures and illustrations for the celebrating of it, so thought I would include a few below:


I had never heard of this day so looked it up on Wikipedia (click here to see).
In different countries it is celebrated in a variety of ways.  In some places it seems to be very political while in other places it is more like mother's day or valentines day. 

My take on it is that any day is good to celebrate the women in our lives.  In my case that includes my mother who brought me into this world and taught me the foundation of life.  My Sister who cared for me a lot when I was a child and then helped and supported me much through my adolescence.   My wife who trained me to be the man that she hoped for (I'm getting there) and my daughters who have taught me to be the father that they needed and wanted.  Thanks to all of them for helping me be who I am today and to all women who make this world a much better place than it would otherwise be. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for Helping to teach me to be a strong woman!! :) love you dad!
