Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No bunnies

Well life has been a little blah of late due to the fact that no bunnies have been seen.  Yesterday I took Haleigh to her early morning Seminary class about 5:25 a.m.  Like usual I was keeping my eye open for a bunny hopping around but to no avail.  I haven't seen a bunny in weeks.  I miss them.  For those of you who recall my post of Dec. 11: 'A Good Day--Two bunnies or five deer', I haven't seen any deer either.

So in an effort to spice up the day a little I decided to come up with another tradition to lead to a good day.  Hey, we need to do all kinds of things to convince ourselves that a day is going to be a good day.  So I wore my hoodie sweat shirt.  Of course it was my BYU one.  I had the hood on because it was cold as I was driving Haleigh to seminary and I had to pull the hood back a little so I could use my peripheral vision to drive safely.  I said to Haleigh, "I'm behooded!"  She immediately responded "That's better than being beheaded!"  What a way to realize the blessings of the day.  Of course!  Today will be a good day because my head is still attached!  I feel better now. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha what a great attitude! I'll have to remember that next time I get up early and don't want to or something ;)
