Sunday, January 30, 2011

New musician I've been enjoying

Helen Jane Long is a new to me musician I have run across recently.  She is a piano player and I ran across her while looking for new music that looks interesting.  I have really enjoyed her.  I am partial to piano music anyway and really love some music by a variety of great pianists.  She has caught my attention however and I thought you might enjoy her music as well.  Listen to these samples and see what you think.  It is relaxing and peaceful so be ready for some calming.  This song is called Porcelain by the album of the same name. 

This song from another album is very nice as well.  This song is called Embers also from the album by the same name. 

There are many times when I am looking for nice calm music that helps me to appreciate all the good that is going on in my life.  Often at night I will listen while I am preparing to go to bed, and want to be calm and relaxed so will do a little concert of music to help me process my day.  This music does just that.  I hope it does the same for you. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm getting ready to go to bed and I really enjoyed the embers song :) some of your YouTube links don't post sometimes though which was the case for the first song. Bummer
