Thursday, January 6, 2011

Humility can cause laughter or pain

Actor # 1:  55 year old woman with cane

Actor #2:  Suave and well spoken man of indeterminate age

Actor #3:  East Indian man dressed professionally with a nice smile

Actor # 1:  "I can't wait 45 minutes to see my doctor, can I see him now?"

Actor # 2: "I'll check to see if we can arrange something."

Actor #2 approaches actor # 3 who nods his head.

Actor #2: "The doctor says he will be able to see you early."

Actor # 1: Walking at high speed to office with Actor # 3 while carrying cane, speaking to Actor # 2:  "I don't even know why I see you dufus!"

Actor # 2:  laughing pleasantly: "Only the same reason you've been seeing me for years."

Narrator:  "Humility can be well earned but is always appreciated."

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