Saturday, January 15, 2011

Flowing emotional visual of love

I ran across this animated YouTube video today on the Internet.  I ran across it because it was done by two BYU professors.  It expresses very well the feelings of what love might seem like from a man's perspective (at least initially).  I like the way that you can feel what is happening as you watch it.  It is beautiful and enjoyable, but I didn't like the way it ended because it seemed that it fed into the fear many young folks have when considering allowing themselves to love.  Some people fear that they will somehow lose at love and consequently never find love at all.  Watch the video and then tell me what you think about it. 

So what does this seem like to you.  Is it pro love or a depressing love story. 

The song is nice by the Weepies (I've never heard of them) The World moves madly on. Here is the video of the song on YouTube. 

I like the ending which seems to be a little more hopeful.  Tell me what you think. 

1 comment:

  1. somehow i missed this blog back in january!!! but mike and i just watched the videos. here are our reactions to the first one:

    mike: "what?! that's sad. i don't like that video"
    jaime: "hey!! lame! that's depressing"

    so, we vote the first one is depressing. i got all excited when the last girl became a real, full drawing since none of the other girls did that, but boo. no luck.

    we liked the second one alot better and the blue monster guy is cool hehe :) our reactions:

    mike: (as the blue and yellow monsters smile at each other and you see the love note) "but the video isn't over yet" (expecting something sad since the other one was sad) "oh that is the end? good!"
    jaime: "yay!!! they're happy!"

    so, while the journey may be sad at times and frustrating or lonely, i think the true end to the search for love is beautifully happy and wonderful :) yay for love!!!
